The Productivity Sketchbook #5: The 3 Core Productivity System Components
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* Been practicing my drawing skills. I'm getting pretty good!
* Yeah you are! Your upgraded stick figure
The Productivity Sketchbook #4: How to Draw an Upgraded Stick Figure
Before jumping into this week's newsletter, I wanted to let you know I've finally launched my
The Productivity Sketchbook #3: You're Already Practicing Visual Productivity
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* In her book The Art of Visual Notetaking, author Emily Mills states 60% of people identify as visual
The Productivity Sketchbook #2: The 3 Biggest Benefits of Visual Productivity
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So in the last issue I was so excited about the idea of visual productivity that I forgot
The Productivity Sketchbook #1: New Name, New Format
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* I know, I know, I'm changing my newsletter name again...
* Yeah, what gives? I just got
[BPN #44] What is PKM?
Welcome to the Boldly Productive Newsletter!
I talked last week about building a Zettelkasten inside the app GoodNotes, which is
[BPN #43] Believing in YOUR Productivity System + Visual PKM
Welcome to the Boldly Productive Newsletter!
We're down to the last article in the productivity principles series. I
[BPN #42] Simplifying Your System, Plus a Little Sketchnoting
Welcome to the Boldly Productive Newsletter!
I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things after getting over
[BPN #41] Tomorrow is Always Fresh
Welcome to the Boldly Productive Newsletter!
Last issue I talked about how the previous week had been unusually busy causing
[BPN #40] Productivity is like pizza and Year at a Glance
Welcome to the Boldly Productive Newsletter!
Life has a way of throwing everything at you all at once.
It happened