The Productivity Sketchbook #2: The 3 Biggest Benefits of Visual Productivity

Text Version
So in the last issue I was so excited about the idea of visual productivity that I forgot to ask an important question
- Oh yeah? What question is that?
Why would I want to practice visual productivity?
- Ah yes, that is an excellent question. It's important to understand the benefits of visual productivity so you know the awesome stuff you're getting out of it.
Yeah! Gotta know what's in it for me!
The 3 Biggest Benefits of Visual Productivity
- Greater Information Retention
- Dual Coding Theory (Allan Paivio, University of Western Ontario, 1971)
- Our brains process info in two ways
- Verbal (words)
- Visual (images)
- Visual Productivity utilizes both
- Gives you two ways to remember information
- Our brains process info in two ways
- Dual Coding Theory (Allan Paivio, University of Western Ontario, 1971)
- Information Capture Filter
- Handwriting notes is an effective content capture filter
- Takes longer
- Can only capture the BIG ideas
- Focus on what resonates
- "I can't get this amazing idea out of my head!"
- Handwriting notes is an effective content capture filter
- Concise Writing
- Using images instead of words can help you be more concise and save space
- Shopping cart = grocery shopping
- Car + school = pick up kids from school
- Brush + toilet = clean the bathroom
- Using images instead of words can help you be more concise and save space
- Greater Information Retention
Wow! Those are some great benefits!
- I know right!?
In the next issue we'll take a look at how to get started practicing visual productivity so you can start reaping those benefits!
Until next time!
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