Book Summaries

Summary of Atomic Habits: How to Find and Fix the Causes of Your Bad Habits

Summary of Atomic Habits: How to Find and Fix the Causes of Your Bad Habits

Text Version: * Surface level craving * "Man, I want tacos..." * Modern-day solution * Deeper underlying motive * "I need food
1 min read
Summary of Atomic Habits: The Role of Family and Friends in Shaping Your Habits

Summary of Atomic Habits: The Role of Family and Friends in Shaping Your Habits

Text Version: * Social Groups We Imitate: 1. The Close (Family and Friends) 2. The Many (the Tribe) 3. The Powerful
1 min read
Summary of Atomic Habits: How to Make a Habit Irresistible

Summary of Atomic Habits: How to Make a Habit Irresistible

Text Version * Anticipation of reward gives us greater dopamine hit than the reward itself * Gets us to take action * Temptation
1 min read
Summary of Atomic Habits: The Secret to Self-Control

Summary of Atomic Habits: The Secret to Self-Control

Transcript * People with self-control spend less time in tempting situations * Disciplined environment * You can break a bad habit, but they&
1 min read
Summary of The Bullet Journal Method: Rapid Logging

Summary of The Bullet Journal Method: Rapid Logging

Transcript * Types of Bullets * Dot Bullet = Task * Slash = In Progress Task * X = Completed Task * Greater Than = Migrated Task * Less Than
1 min read
Summary of The Bullet Journal Method: Handwriting

Summary of The Bullet Journal Method: Handwriting

Transcript * "When we put pen to paper, we're not just turning on the lights; we're
1 min read
Summary of Atomic Habits: Motivation is Overrated

Summary of Atomic Habits: Motivation is Overrated

Transcript * Habits depend on Context * "Behavior is a function of the Person in their Environment" * Kurt Lewin (Psychologist,
1 min read
Summary of The Bullet Journal Method: Notebooks

Summary of The Bullet Journal Method: Notebooks

Transcript * Unplug from our devices * Time to think, ponder, and reflect * Flexible tool you create * Library of your life * Notebooks
1 min read
Summary of Atomic Habits: The Best Way to Start a New Habit

Summary of Atomic Habits: The Best Way to Start a New Habit

Transcript * Implementation Intention * A plan for how to act in a given situation * "I will BEHAVIOR at TIME in
1 min read
Summary of The Bullet Journal Method: Decluttering Your Mind

Summary of The Bullet Journal Method: Decluttering Your Mind

Transcript * "The mind is for having ideas, not holding them." * David Allen, author of Getting Things Done * Write
1 min read