What is a Productivity Method?

A productivity method is one of the building blocks of a productivity system. We can define productivity method in the same way we did productivity system by looking at the definition of each of the individual words.
According to dictionary.com, productivity is:
And a method is:
Combining these two definitions results in:
A simpler definition could be:
In other words, a productivity method is a way in which you do certain things inside of your productivity system. They are the steps you follow to carry out different types of activities within your system. They are independent from any particular productivity app, which are a separate type of component within your overall productivity system. Productivity methods are used within apps, but a particular app shouldn’t be necessary to use a productivity method.
Some examples of productivity methods are:
Creator: Tiago Forte
Purpose: Organization of project information inside a simple system of folders (Projects, Areas, Resources, Archives)
Getting Things Done (GTD)
Creator: David Allen
Purpose: Capturing and processing information and tasks using inboxes and categorized lists
Bullet Journal
Creator: Ryder Carroll
Purpose: Capturing and organizing tasks and notes inside of a physical notebook
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