I Lost the Internet for a Day!
Earlier in the week my internet service provider had an outage in my area, and I lost connection to the
Summary of Atomic Habits: The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits
* British Cycling
* 1908 to 2003 (almost 100 years)
* Only 1 Olympic gold medal
* Zero Tour de France wins
* Hired
What is Sketchnoting?
Sketchnoting is the practice of using handwritten text and simple imagery for note taking.
The combination of both text and
Productivity Can (and Should) Be Fun
I was extremely excited about 5 or 6 years ago when I discovered there was a whole community of people
Summary of The Bullet Journal Method: Introduction
A Sketchnote summary of the introduction to the book The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll
The Path to Perfect Productivity is Experimentation (and You!)
So, you’ve been doing some research on how to get your to-do lists and/or notes organized and have
Coming Soon to a Mobile Device Near You
A number of my childhood hobbies are coming to bear as I begin the exciting journey of creating my very
Summary of Atomic Habits: Introduction
A Sketchnote summary of the introduction to the book Atomic Habits by James Clear
A New Month, a New Bullet Journal Monthly Spread
It's the start of a new month, which means a new monthly spread in my Bullet Journal! I&
Notes from the First Linking Your Thinking Conference
Earlier this year, Nick Milo of Linking Your Thinking put on the first ever Linking Your Thinking Conference. It was