1 min read

My Sketchnoting Tools

Sketchnoting is the practice of taking notes using imagery along with handwritten text. I've been doing Sketchnoting for many years, and have developed a preferred toolset. Here are the analog and digital tools I use for Sketchnoting:


I don't often do analog Sketchnotes these days, but if I do, I do them in my Bullet Journal. Here's the pen and notebook I prefer for my Bullet Journal:


Most of my Sketchnoting takes place on my iPad using my Apple Pencil. I have a couple apps I use for different types of Sketchnoting:

  • Hardware
    • 10.9" M1 iPad Air with Apple Pencil 2
  • Apps
    • Goodnotes
      • Live Sketchnoting
        • The limited toolset makes it easier for me to focus on drawing rather than messing with tools and settings
    • Procreate
      • Polished Sketchnotes
        • Sketchnotes that are suitable for sharing and teaching