Take a Break From Work and Be Creative
Hello there! I'm Brennan Davis, the creator of CreaDev Labs, a place of learning and experimentation on productivity
Summary of Atomic Habits: Motivation is Overrated
* Habits depend on Context
* "Behavior is a function of the Person in their Environment"
* Kurt Lewin (Psychologist,
The Productivity Benefits of a Gratitude Mindset
Hello there! I'm Brennan Davis, the creator of CreaDev Labs, a place of learning and experimentation on productivity
Summary of The Bullet Journal Method: Notebooks
* Unplug from our devices
* Time to think, ponder, and reflect
* Flexible tool you create
* Library of your life
* Notebooks
Experiment: Separate Work and Personal Task Management
Date Started: 2022-08-22 Mon
Up until now, I’ve been keeping all of my tasks for both work and
The Secret to Holiday Productivity
Hello there! I'm Brennan Davis, the creator of CreaDev Labs, a place of learning and experimentation on productivity,
Summary of Atomic Habits: The Best Way to Start a New Habit
Implementation Intention
* A plan for how to act in a given situation
* "I will BEHAVIOR at TIME in
Refactoring My PKM System in GoodNotes
Hello there! I'm Brennan Davis, the creator of CreaDev Labs, a place of learning and experimentation on productivity,