1 min read

THIS saved my Gamified Task Manager project

Right before Thanksgiving in America last week I published the latest dev log for my gamified task manager!

In it I discuss how my ideas for the game portion of the app got me off track from the app's main purpose: to provide a fun, entertaining way to get real world tasks done.

I drew up a plan for balancing the game elements with those of the task manager, which has helped me refocus my efforts.

My Game Design Document for my Gamified Task Manager

Stay tuned for more dev logs and updates coming soon!

Building a gamified productivity app has got me thinking of ways to apply gamification to my analog systems such as my Bullet Journal and Sketchnotes.

As I experiment with gamification in those areas, I'll be sharing my findings right here in the newsletter!

In what areas or with what tools would you like to see gamification explored?

Until next time!